Searchanise Upsell & Marketing

Shopify SEO: Your Step-by-Step Guide

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Struggling to get your Shopify store noticed online? This guide breaks down SEO into easy-to-follow steps. You'll learn everything you need to optimize your store and you'll be well on your way to dominating search results and driving more sales to your Shopify store!
If you ask yourself, “How to get my Shopify store to show up on Google,” then you’re at the right place. Unleash the traffic beast within your Shopify store! In the cutthroat jungle of eCommerce, ranking high in search results means the difference between a stampede of sales and crickets chirping. This guide is your ultimate source of Shopify optimization solutions, packed with SEO strategies to help you get the first search results and solve some basic Shopify SEO problems.

Whether you're a veteran shop owner or a newbie setting up your first storefront, this roadmap will guide you through every step of optimizing your store for search engines. We'll tackle everything from keyword research to fine-tuning the technical aspects of your store, turning it into a search engine magnet that attracts customers like moths to a flame. So, grab your pen, and let's carve a path to SEO domination!

What Needs to Be Done First

Before you get into the nitty-gritty of making your store stand out of the crowd and rank up in the search results, you need to do a few really important things, such as:

  • Use the mobile-friendly theme: You can find different Shopify Responsive themes, free and paid ones. Consider using this Google tool to check if the theme is responsive, especially when you’ve built your own theme or made any custom changes to an existing one.
  • Set Up Google Analytics 4: Connect Google Analytics 4 to gain a deeper understanding of your customers.
  • Install Google Search Console: We highly recommend getting it if you haven’t already. This tool lets you track which pages rank for which queries and other vital metrics.
  • Buy a domain: If you haven’t purchased a custom domain, we strongly recommend doing so. It will help you build trust with your prospects. If you have a domain, prospects will likely ignore your store by all means, even if you have a fantastic landing page or ads. Better be safe than sorry. Buy a domain for your store that fits your brand’s mission.
  • Remove password protection: If you’re just starting out, it’s imperative to remove the password from your store so that Google can actually start indexing it.

After ensuring every step is completed, you can start implementing the SEO practices described below to drive organic traffic to your store.

Step 1: Conducting a Keyword Research

Don't waste time guessing what people search for. Keyword research is your secret weapon to getting found online. It helps you target the words your ideal customers are using so your store pops up in search results.

Think of it like this: the better you understand what people are looking for, the easier it is to make your store the answer!

Understanding Your Audience

Keywords hold the key to attracting high-quality traffic. But to crack the code, you need to know your ideal customer. What are they searching for? What words do they use?

By understanding your shopper's secret search language, you can unlock the Shopify keywords that bring them straight to your door. It's like having a secret handshake with your target audience!

For instance, if you run a Shopify store that sells organic skin care products, understanding your audience might involve researching their demographics, skincare concerns, and preferences. You might discover that your audience consists mainly of environmentally conscious consumers looking for natural skincare solutions.

Brainstorming Seed Keywords

Kick off your Shopify keyword research by brainstorming a list of "seed keywords" related to your products, services, and industry. Think of these as broad terms that capture the essence of what your store sells. Tools like Google Search Control, Ubersuggest, or Ahrefs can be your secret weapon to expand this list. They'll help you uncover tons of related terms and phrases people search for.

Sticking with our organic skincare store example, some seed keywords to kick things off could be 'natural skincare,' 'organic skincare products,' 'vegan skincare,' or 'cruelty-free beauty.' These broad terms act like a springboard, launching you into the exciting world of keyword research! They'll help you discover even more specific phrases people are searching for.

Analyzing Keyword Metrics

Alright, prospectors! You've unearthed a whole mine of keywords, but which ones hold the real SEO gold? Let's sift through these gems and see what shines brightest:

  • Search Volume (The Popularity Meter): Imagine a bustling marketplace. Search volume tells you how many people are searching for a specific term each month. High volume means a bigger crowd, potentially more customers, but also fiercer competition for eyeballs.
  • Competition (The Ranking Challenge): Here's where things get strategic. Ranking high for a keyword means your store shows up first in search results. Ideally, you want a sweet spot - enough search volume to attract customers but not so much competition that it's like shouting in a crowded stadium. Tools like Google Keyword Planner can help you assess the difficulty of ranking for different keywords.
  • Relevance (The Perfect Match): Do the keywords actually describe what you sell? Don't chase after shiny terms that don't resonate with your products! Relevance is like finding the perfect match: your keywords should align perfectly with your offerings and what your target audience is actively searching for.

Bonus Tip: Long-Tail Keyword Magic! These are the hidden emeralds of SEO. They are longer, more specific phrases like "eco-friendly sunscreen for active lifestyles." They might have a smaller crowd searching, but they often face less competition and convert better because they target people closer to making a purchase. Think of them as pre-qualified leads with a clear buying intent!

Let's put those keyword tools to the test in Ahrefs! We plug in "organic skincare products" and see a search volume of 1,900 per month - that's a decent crowd looking for something you sell! But hold on, the keyword difficulty score is high. This means a lot of other stores are vying for that top spot in search results. It's like a crowded beach with limited umbrellas.
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Unless you have a well-established online store with high domain authority (think of it as your online reputation), targeting this term might be a tough battle. Focus on finding keywords with lower difficulty scores. Think of them as sunny spots on a less crowded beach, perfect for attracting new customers!

Conducting Competitive Analysis

Don't fight in the dark! Analyze your competitors' keywords. See what they target, which Shopify keywords use, and how well they rank. This intel helps you find hidden opportunities and build a stronger SEO strategy.

Now, a peek at organic skincare competitors' keywords reveals they target terms like "natural skin care products" and "organic skincare." This intel helps identify similar keywords with good search volume but potentially lower competition, giving you an edge in your SEO strategy.
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Refining Your Keyword List

After tallying the numbers and studying your competitors, it's time to focus on keywords. Look for the golden ratio: keywords with decent search volume, manageable competition, and laser-precise relevance to your target audience.

Bonus tip: Don't just create one giant list! Separate your keywords by product category or customer segment. This lets you craft a smart SEO Shopify strategy that attracts the right kind of traffic and boosts conversions.

Back to skincare, analyzing the data might reveal hidden gems like "vegan organic skincare" or "best natural skincare for hormonal acne." These long-tail keywords often have lower competition and target specific customer needs, making them perfect for attracting the right audience.
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Refining Your Keyword List

Alright, you've got your keyword arsenal locked and loaded! Time to unleash their power and attract those dream customers. The key? Building fantastic pages on your Shopify store that seamlessly integrate your target keywords. But before you start typing away, a little research goes a long way. Here's what you need to consider:

Understand Search Intent

Before crafting those pages, it's crucial to understand user intent. This means figuring out why someone searches for a particular keyword so that you can choose the most appropriate Shopify keywords for a specific page.

Here's the breakdown:

  • Informational Intent: Think "curious customer." They're searching for answers, like "how to choose the best organic skincare products."
  • Navigational Intent: Think "looking for." They already know where they want to go, like searching for "Lush organic skincare" to find the official website.
  • Commercial Intent: Think "comparison shopper." They're actively researching products and considering different brands, like searching for "best organic face serum for oily skin."
  • Transactional Intent: Think "ready to buy." They're primed for action, like searching for "buy Vichy organic face moisturizer."

Analyze SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages)

Ready to pick the perfect keywords for each page? Here's a trick: Spy on the competition that's already ranking high for your target keywords! See what kind of content they're creating (blog posts, product pages) and how they're using keywords in titles and descriptions. This can give you valuable insights on how to structure your own pages for optimal search results.

Analyze the top-ranking pages for your keywords. What kind of content dominates (blog posts, product listings)? This reveals what users expect to see when they search those terms.

Bonus Tip: The "related searches" section is a treasure trove of additional terms. Sneak these gems into your Shopify SEO meta description and some titles.
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Create High-Quality, Relevant Content:

Craft content that caters to your audience's needs.

  • Informational: Think of in-depth guides, tutorials, or blog posts brimming with valuable information to answer user questions.
  • Navigational: Brand-focused listings like "Lush Skincare" (if you're authorized) can help users find you.
  • Commercial: Target comparison shoppers with content that highlights your products' unique selling points and benefits.
  • Transactional: Prioritize product pages and landing pages that nudge users toward making a purchase.
Remember, clarity is key! Make sure your content directly addresses their search query and provides clear solutions or answers. Use headings, bullet points, and easy-to-follow formatting. Google (and your customers!) appreciate content that's easy to read and navigate.

Avoid keyword stuffing! Overusing keywords to manipulate search algorithms is a big no-no.

Next stop: Product Page Optimization!
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Step 2: Optimizing Product Page

Product page SEO - the key to unlocking hidden organic traffic. Time to unleash the power of optimization! Let's dive in and make your products shine in search results.

Keyword Optimization

Keywords are your friends, but don't get too carried away! We're way past the days of keyword stuffing. Search engines in 2024 are smarter than ever, so focus on using keywords naturally and strategically throughout your product pages.

Product Title

To create great Shopify product title SEO, you need to incorporate your focus keyword with clear and understandable descriptive information. So, don't just list "Night Cream" in the title. This kind of vague title is a missed opportunity.

Look at Vichy's "LIFTACTIV ANTI-WRINKLE NIGHT CREAM." This title incorporates:

  • Focus Keyword: Night Cream
  • Benefit: Anti-Wrinkle
  • Formula: LIFTACTIV (specific to their brand)

This strategy creates clear, informative titles that both attract searchers and showcase your product's unique features.

Product Descriptions

Product descriptions are your secret sales weapon! Craft unique, informative write-ups that highlight your product's:

  • Key features: What makes it special?
  • Benefits: How will it solve customer problems?
  • Unique selling points (USPs): Why choose yours over the competition?

Bonus Tip: Think like your customer! Ask yourself:

  • Is it organic? (Great for eco-conscious shoppers!)
  • Does it contain chemicals? (Consider using alternatives for a vegan brand.)

Remember, keyword optimization is key, but prioritize natural integration. Don't force them in – focus on creating a compelling story that sells!

An example of such a product could be:
EroticWelt store
Meta Descriptions

Those little blurbs under your product titles on search results are called meta descriptions! Don't settle for copied content - unleash their power with these tips:

  • Headline Rush: Craft a meta title under 55 characters that's like a mini-headline. Think captivating keywords and clear benefits to grab attention in a crowded search page.
  • Description Dash: Prepare a 140-160 character Shopify SEO meta description that's a quick sales pitch. Focus on key features and benefits, and sprinkle in relevant keywords naturally. Imagine it as a whisper saying, "Psst! This product is amazing, click here to learn more!"

Craft informative, engaging, and action-oriented meta descriptions. By doing this, you transform them from tiny text into traffic magnets, attracting those valuable clicks and boosting your Shopify sales!

URL Structure

First impressions matter, even for URLs! Shopify SEO-friendly URLs tell people and Google what your product page is about in seconds, and a bad URL might scare people off, so make sure it’s nice and clear.

Here's the breakdown of URLs:

  • Domain Name: This is the foundation (usually, you can't change it).
  • Slug: This is the end part of the URL, also known as the path (you can edit this).

Attention: If you change a slug later, you'll need to set up a redirect to avoid broken links. We'll cover redirects soon!

So, if you have something like this in your URL:

Strive to have something like this:

It’s much more clear and trustable. You may wonder why we haven’t included as many keywords as we could. Well, now, it doesn’t really matter if you put keywords; search engines passed that point where they needed keywords in the URL to rank up. In addition, it might look terrible in the eyes of your prospects, so don’t hinder your success.

General rules of thumb when it comes to URLs:

  • Ditch the Hashtags: Those pound signs (#) in website links are for jumping to specific sections on a page - not for your product URLs.
  • Keep it Lowercase: URLs are case-sensitive sometimes, so avoid weird capitalization (even for fancy brand names!). Lowercase is always a safe bet.
  • Hyphens are Your Friends: Separate words with hyphens (-) for easy reading (e.g., "/creams/anti-aging-creams"). Avoid underscores or spaces, which turn into messy codes in URLs.

Remember, clear URLs are happy URLs (and happy users)! They help both people and search engines understand what your product page is all about.

Image Optimization

Image optimization will also help fix your Shopify SEO issues because search engines also pay attention to your images. By optimizing, you don’t make images look worse; on the contrary, you maintain their quality and also improve the user experience. You just need to do the following:

  • File Format: JPEGs are your go-to for photos, PNGs for graphics with clear backgrounds. GIFs? Only for those rare moments when nothing else will do.
  • Compressed Images: Squash those file sizes without sacrificing quality! Smaller files = faster loading times = happy customers.
  • Image Dimensions: Resize your images to the perfect dimensions before uploading. Don't rely on code to resize later - it can backfire and make things slower.
  • Descriptive File Name: Ditch the mystery code ("IMG_001.jpg") and name your files clearly with relevant keywords. Think "organic-night-cream.jpg" instead.
Alt Text Optimization: Craft clear, descriptive alt text for each image, including relevant keywords. So, if you have a retinol cream, you can type "anti-aging retinol cream."

Step 3: Configuring Technical SEO

Have you ever wondered if mainstream SEO practices were enough to rank up in the SERPs? I have, and I found out the truth. To really succeed in boosting visibility in the search results, we need to fine-tune some technical SEO for Shopify, such as internal linking, sitemap, site speed, and others, which are quite important for your online store. Without further ado, let’s dive in.

Set Up Internal Linking

Imagine your website is a beautiful, product-filled department store. But without clear signs, your customers might wander aimlessly, never finding what they need. That's where internal linking comes in!

Here's why this website SEO fix is essential for you:

  • Search Engine Sherpa: Internal links act like helpful guides, helping them understand your website and rank your products higher in search results.
  • Happy Shopper Navigation: Internal links help customers find what they're looking for quickly, keeping them engaged and browsing longer, which means more sales for you!

Bonus Tip: Internal linking can help distribute "domain authority" to important pages, ultimately boosting your overall SEO power.

It may seem like a small detail, but it's a powerful tool! Let’s see how you can do that.

  1. Craft a Clear Site Structure: Think of it as a well-organized map. Establish a logical flow with clearly defined categories, subcategories, and user-friendly menus. This makes navigating your store a breeze for everyone, earning you major points with search engines and users alike!
  2. Identify Your Star Players: Pinpoint the most important pages, like best-selling product pages, core blog posts, or key landing pages. Shower these VIPs with more internal links, highlighting their importance to search engines. The more links they have, the higher their SEO ranking potential!
  3. Descriptive Anchor Text is Your Power-Up: Use clear and relevant anchor text when linking between pages. Imagine it as a helpful signpost - it tells search engines and users about the linked page. Choose strong keywords or phrases that accurately describe the content, naturally integrating them within your product descriptions and blog posts. This earns points for both SEO and user experience!
  4. Link with Context, Not Force: Don't just dump links everywhere! Integrate them naturally within your content where it makes sense for the reader. Avoid keyword stuffing or irrelevant links – that's a major turn-off for search engines and users alike. Remember, quality over quantity is key!
  5. Link Deeply, Not Just to the Bosses: Don't just connect to your homepage and main categories! Link to top-level pages and hidden gems deeper into your site (product pages, blog posts). This ensures all pages get internal links and helps distribute that SEO magic throughout your store. Think of it as exploring every corner of the map and unlocking hidden treasures!
  6. Regular Link Audits: Don't let your map become outdated! Regularly perform Shopify SEO audit to identify broken links, outdated content, or opportunities for additional linking. Keeping your internal linking structure fresh and relevant is key for optimal search results. Consistent maintenance is the key to staying ahead of the competition!

A great example of well-done internal linking could be a widely known brand, H&M:
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Look at how they categorize products. For example, if clicking "Skirts" leads you to a dedicated page with various skirt options, those options themselves become potential search queries! If these pages are optimized with relevant keywords and content, there's a good chance they'll rank well in search results.
EroticWelt store

Submit Sitemap

We mentioned Google Search Console earlier, and let me tell you, it's your new best friend for SEO! Imagine a sitemap as a fancy blueprint of all your website pages. The Search Console lets you submit this map, helping search engines find and understand everything you offer.

But wait, there's a catch! Unless you're on the Basic Shopify plan, you'll need to create and submit your sitemap manually.

The data in the console can be a bit slow to uptake, so you might come back to this section to continue! Now, let's address fixing website issues based on that data.

404 Errors

Open the console and navigate to Index > Coverage on the left-hand menu. You'll see a graph with various options – for now, focus on Error.

The culprit we're looking for is "Submitted URL not found (404)." This means a page doesn't exist on your site, sending users (and search engines) to a dead end. Not ideal for SEO! Here's why it happens:

Broken Links: Somewhere on your site (or another site!), there's a link pointing to this non-existent page. Search engines try to crawl it, resulting in the error.

Let's get those fixed:

Step 1: Hunt Down the Culprits

  • Typos: Double-check the reported URLs in Google Search Console for typos or spelling mistakes. Fix any errors you find in your Shopify content or product listings. Sometimes a simple typo can cause a big headache!

Step 2: Resurrect or Redirect Deleted/Moved Pages

  • Restore the Page (if relevant): If the missing content is still valuable, consider restoring the deleted page in Shopify. This eliminates the 404 error completely.
  • Set Up a 301 Redirect (if moved): If the page has a new location within your store, establish a 301 redirect in Shopify. This acts like a forwarding address, automatically sending users (and search engines) to the new page.

Step 3: Tackle Broken Links (Internal & External)

  • Internal Links: Time for some detective work! Manually check your Shopify pages and blog posts for links pointing to these non-existent pages. Update the links to point to the correct URLs within your store. Broken internal links confuse users and hurt SEO.
  • External Backlinks (Limited Control): You can't directly change backlinks from other websites. However, don't give up! Try contacting the website owner and politely request them to update the link to the correct URL on your Shopify store.

To do so, leverage the Shopify tools:

  • Effortless Redirects: Shopify's built-in URL redirect tool is your hero. Head to Online Store > Navigation > View URL Redirects > Create Redirect URL. Simply follow the instructions to set up redirects that automatically send users (and search engines) from the old, broken URL to the shiny new one. This keeps everything running smoothly and boosts your SEO!
  • A User-Friendly 404 Page: Even after fixing broken links, there's always a chance someone might stumble upon a non-existent page. That's where a custom 404 page comes in! This acts as a safety net, offering helpful information or search options to users who encounter an error. A well-designed 404 page prevents frustration and keeps visitors engaged, ultimately leading to better SEO and customer satisfaction in your store.

Redirect Errors

Redirect issues are quite common in Google Search Console, with a few different types of them. Let’s break them down:

  • Redirect Loops: Imagine an endless hallway! This occurs when a redirect chain loops back to the original URL, creating a never-ending cycle for search engines.
  • Long Redirect Chains: Think of long lines at a store. If a redirect chain has too many hops, Google might give up before reaching the final destination. Aim for shorter chains for optimal crawling.
  • Invalid URLs in the Chain: A broken link in the redirect chain is like a roadblock. If a URL within the chain returns a 404 error or is empty, Google can't reach the final page and reports an error.
  • Exceeding Maximum URL Length: URLs have a character limit (2048) - like a short message! If a redirect URL goes over that limit, Google won't crawl it, resulting in an error. Keep your URLs concise for smooth sailing.

Here’s how to fix them:

Here's how to avoid Redirect Loops:

  • Manual Checking: Before submitting your website to Google, double-check all redirects manually to ensure they don't loop back to the original URL.
  • Website Crawling Tools: Tools like Ahrefs can crawl your website, identify redirect loops, and help you fix them.

Shorten Long Redirect Chains by:

  • Direct Paths: Create direct paths from the original URL to the final destination, eliminating unnecessary hops.
  • Internal Linking: Update internal links within your Shopify store to point directly to the final URL, bypassing any intermediate redirects.

Fix Invalid URLs in the Chain by:

  • Spelling Check: Double-check for typos in your URLs. A simple mistake like "HTTTPS" instead of "https" can break the chain.
  • Review All URLs: Carefully examine all URLs within the redirect chain to ensure they are valid and functional.

Keep your URLs concise by:

  • Simplify & Shorten: Simplify and shorten URLs for better readability and to stay within the 2048 character limit.
  • Adjust Redirects: If any redirects point to overly long URLs, adjust them to redirect to shorter, valid URLs.
  • Clean URL Structure: Maintain a clean URL structure by avoiding unnecessary parameters or excessive nesting of folders.

Crawled - Currently Not Indexed Errors

Ever wonder why your store page is not showing up in search results even though Google found it? The message "Crawled - Currently Not Indexed" might be the culprit. Here is your roadmap to getting those pages indexed:

Content that Captivates:

  • Know Your Audience: Craft content that resonates with your target audience. Research their needs and create informative, in-depth pieces that truly answer their questions.
  • Mobile-First Mindset: Mobile users reign supreme! Make sure your pages display perfectly and function flawlessly on all devices, especially smartphones. Google prioritizes mobile-friendliness, so don't let this be a roadblock.

Internal Linking:

  • Links: Internally link to the "Crawled - Currently Not Indexed" page from other relevant pages within your Shopify store. This helps Google understand the context and importance of the page within your website structure. Think of it as building bridges for search engines to navigate your store effectively.

Keyword Magic:

  • Match User Intent: Does your page content truly align with the search intent behind the relevant keywords? If not, optimize your page to better match what users are searching for. This increases the chances of Google recognizing your page as valuable for those search queries.

Optional Indexing Request:

  • Give it a Shot: While not a guaranteed fix, you can submit a request through Google Search Console's URL Inspection tool. This asks Google to re-crawl and potentially index the page. It's like politely nudging Google to take another look!

Remember: Consistent high-quality content and these optimization steps can significantly increase your chances of getting indexed. But if you need additional help, consider contacting SEO experts who can be your allies in conquering those indexing challenges!

Optimizing Site Speed

A slow website is a double whammy - it causes high bounce rates and hurts your SEO ranking! Here's why: Page speed is a factor in SERPs, meaning a slow site might mean fewer potential customers find you.

Before tackling optimizations, let's measure the speed! Here are two helpful tools:

  • Shopify Speed Tester: This built-in feature gives you a quick starting point to assess your speed.
EroticWelt store
  • Google PageSpeed Insights: Dive deeper with Google's tool! It analyzes your site, provides detailed metrics, and suggests solutions for boosting speed.
EroticWelt store
Now that you have insights let's get your store moving faster!

  • Declutter Unused Apps: Unused apps often add unnecessary code and scripts to your store, slowing things down. Regularly uninstall any apps you don't actively use.
  • Simplify Features: Do you have features enabled but not using them? Consider removing them to streamline your store and improve speed.
  • Minimize Redirects: Aim for a reasonable number and consider consolidating if possible to speed your store up.
  • Reduce HTTP Requests: Every image, script, button, and app on your store adds HTTP requests. Streamline by removing unnecessary elements. For example, consider trimming down the number of buttons on your landing page.

Mobile Responsiveness

A happy user is a converting user! Ensure a seamless mobile experience for better SEO and conversions:

  • Responsive Theme: Choose a theme that bends to any screen size. Test it on phones, tablets, desktops – the whole gang!
  • Navigation Nirvana: Adapt mobile-friendly menus. Big buttons and links are your friends.
  • Speedy: Less is more! Streamline your pages and use lazy loading for non-essential content. Minify code for lightning speed.
  • Touchy-Feely Design: Design for fingers, not clicks! Interactive elements should be finger-friendly. Consider swipe gestures for navigation.
  • Readability Champ: Clear fonts and ample spacing make your text mobile-friendly.
  • Formidable Forms: Keep forms simple with fewer fields.
  • Testing Titan: Regularly test your store and use analytics to track mobile traffic and behavior.

Data Markup for Product Schema

Give search engines the inside scoop on your products. Think of it as translating your product details into a language search engines understand perfectly. The result? Rich snippets, those fancy search listings packed with info like reviews, prices, and availability – all designed to grab attention and drive traffic to your store.

Breaking Down Schema Markup: The Language of Search Engines acts like a dictionary for webmasters, providing a standardized way to describe your products to search engines. For Shopify stores, the "Product" schema is your go-to. Rich snippets, fueled by schema markup, become magnets for searchers, enticing them to click through with all those juicy product details readily available.

Product Details: Must-Haves and Extras to Spice Things Up

There's a two-tiered approach to product information in schema markup:

  • Essentials: These are the building blocks, ensuring search engines have a crystal-clear understanding of your product. Think product name, description, SKU, brand, price, currency, availability, and condition.
  • Enhancers: Want to take your rich snippets to the next level? Include optional details like reviews, ratings, high-quality product images, and information about product variations (size, color, etc.). The more data you provide, the richer and more informative your snippets become.

Adding Schema Markup: Choose Your Way

There are two main ways to go around it:

  • Manual Coding: It's a manual adding of a JSON-LD script directly into your Shopify theme. It offers more control but is recommended for those comfortable with code.
  • Shopify Apps: Several apps simplify adding data without coding. These apps are a great option for a hassle-free approach.

Implementing JSON-LD Markup

Feeling code-confident? Here's how to implement JSON-LD markup:

  • Go to your theme editor and click "Edit Code."
  • Insert the JSON-LD script in the section of your theme.liquid file or within individual product template files.
  • Example JSON-LD Markup:

<script type="application/ld+json">
  "@context": "",
  "@type": "Product",
  "name": "Collagen Cream",
  "image": "",
  "description": "Anti-aging cream to help you look young whener and wherver you are.",
  "sku": "44569-8875",
  "brand": {
    "@type": "Brand",
    "name": "Youth Path"
  "offers": {
    "@type": "Offer",
    "url": "",
    "priceCurrency": "USD",
    "price": "24.99",
    "priceValidUntil": "2024-12-31",
    "itemCondition": "",
    "availability": ""
  "aggregateRating": {
    "@type": "AggregateRating",
    "ratingValue": "4.8",
    "reviewCount": "55"
  "review": {
    "@type": "Review",
    "author": {
      "@type": "Person",
      "name": "John Doe"
    "datePublished": "2024-01-01",
    "description": "This is a great product!",
    "reviewRating": {
      "@type": "Rating",
      "ratingValue": "5"
Validating Your Markup: Making Sure It's Flawless

Once your schema markup is in place, it's crucial to check for accuracy. Google offers a couple of helpful tools:

  • Structured Data Testing Tool: Paste your code or URL into this tool to identify any errors or warnings.
  • Rich Results Test: This tool specifically tests your eligibility for rich results based on your schema markup.

Monitoring Performance: Keeping Tabs on Your Success

To track your structured data performance, use the search console. The Enhancements section will identify issues and allow you to monitor the impact of your rich snippets on search results.
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Step 4: Creating Content Strategies

Fixed the Shopify SEO issues in your Shopify store? Excellent! Now, let's unlock the content strategies that will transform you into a niche royalty. Content is the fuel that drives organic traffic, ignites engagement, and establishes you as a trusted authority. This guide will unveil a several content types, from captivating blog posts to user-generated content.


Start off by conducting basic keyword research to identify topics and search queries relevant to your target audience and industry. However, you need to find relevant but low-competition keywords for your blog. Why? That’s because you haven’t developed your domain authority (DA) yet, and you won’t be able to compete with other established brands that have a good DA.

Develop a content calendar or plan outlining topics, publication dates, and target keywords for your blog posts. Consider seasonal trends, industry news, and customer pain points when planning your content.

It's essential to create high-quality blog posts that provide value to your audience. A great example is the Nosto Blog, which offers content that readers find engaging, informative, and worth returning to.
EroticWelt store
Watch our YouTube video to learn how to write more blog posts using AI in a shorter amount of time.
Now, optimize your blog posts for search engines by incorporating target keywords naturally into Shopify SEO title, headings, and throughout the content. Use descriptive URLs, alt text for images, and internal linking to improve SEO performance. Basically, do what we were covering in this post.

Product Guides and Tutorials

Start by identifying customer needs and researching common questions, problems, and challenges your target audience faces related to your products or industry. Use customer feedback, support inquiries, and keyword research to identify topics for product guides and tutorials.

Like blogging, you need to develop detailed guides, tutorials, and how-to articles that address these questions and provide step-by-step instructions or solutions. Use a mix of written content, images, videos, and infographics to make the content engaging and easy to understand. For example, a dietary supplement company, Wellabs, posts a blog post on how to get rid of split ends. People who search for this problem and its solution can land on the blog and read it, and perhaps other blog posts will catch their attention, and they will keep reading and exploring products that can help with split ends for sale. This will solidify the domain as a trusted and authoritative source, so the website will likely appear higher in the search results.
EroticWelt store
Also, provide additional resources, tips, and insights that go beyond basic product information to showcase your expertise and provide genuine value to your audience. Consider including case studies, examples, or real-life scenarios to illustrate concepts or best practices.

Strategically weave relevant keywords throughout, craft captivating meta descriptions for search previews, and use clear titles and headings. Take it a step further with structured data markup – it acts like a translator for search engines, giving them extra context about your products. This SEO transformation will turn your guides into traffic-attracting powerhouses, boosting your Shopify store's visibility and propelling you to sales success!

User-Generated Content

Customers are a treasure trove of valuable content! Tap into this goldmine with a UGC (user-generated content) strategy. Encourage them to share photos, reviews, and experiences across social media, review platforms, and your website. Think contests or rewards to incentivize participation (think 20% off for a "Best Product Use" photo!).

This UGC is a double win for SEO. First, it provides search engines with fresh, user-driven data. This data can include long-tail keywords and natural language expressions that real people use when searching for products like yours. This can significantly improve your website's visibility for a wider range of relevant search queries, attracting more organic traffic.

A perfect example is Apple. Most people know about the “Shot on iPhone” contest, which was so successful that it became an enduring trend. People upload their photos and videos with that slogan on YouTube and social media. This is the ultimate user-generated content you need to strive for.

Second, UGC builds trust and social proof. Showcase positive reviews, user-generated images, and testimonials to amplify the value your products offer. This user-generated data acts as real-world validation for potential customers.

Remember to show appreciation! Like, comment, and re-post user content. By featuring UGC prominently, you'll cultivate a loyal community and fuel organic traffic with the data-rich content that search engines love.
EroticWelt store

SEO Checklist

By now, you should have a pretty good understanding of how SEO should be implemented in your online store. Considering the size of this blog post and for your sanity, we decided to create this SEO Shopify checklist you can use and return to later to check if your SEO is well-optimized.
EroticWelt store

Wrapping Up

In today's digital world, SEO isn't a luxury for Shopify stores – it's a necessity. Hope you found the tips and tricks above helpful in your store.

Remember, SEO is a marathon, not a sprint. It's about building a strong foundation, but it doesn't stop there. Regular monitoring and adapting to algorithm changes are crucial for maintaining and improving your search rankings.

Good luck on your journey!